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Every play is drawn up to score |
Had the privilege the last few weekends to attend the All-Sports Clinic as well as the Glazier Clinic in Seattle.
So as I mentioned in last years clinic post, I don't go into theses sessions to learn grand schematic changes. I am only looking for better ways to teach, insights that I find interesting, maybe a drill or two that complements what we do, and ultimately if I get one or two 'nuggets' it has been a great clinic. So here you go. Enjoy.
1. Wisconsin D-Line vs Run and vs Pass by Charles Partridge (Asst H.C./D-Line/Co-Defensive Coordinator) at Glazier
***** Went to this session to learn the 'anti-technique.' We are oil and water and we need to know what 'they' are doing in order to defeat it*******
a. Pass Rush: Outside arm reach= key to having a good pass rush
b. Pass Rush: Defensive Ends- Must have depth awareness. Defensive Tackles- Must have ratio awareness
c. Pass Rush: Vertical for 3/4 steps before making decision. Most Ends want to take the path right through the tackle.
2. Faster than the Fly: Rocket Sweep by Blair Hubbard (Head Coach at Faith Christian High School (CO) ) at All-Sports
a. 'Hyperactive Outside Zone'
b. Pre-Snap motion means defense has to 'cheat'- roll, move and try to set leverage
c. The speed of the ball getting to the edge means you can false pull and set-up huge backside action (screens and counters to take advantage of the over pursuit of the defense)
Some film from Coach Hubbard
3. Wyoming Spread Run by Head Coach Dave Christenson at Glazier
a. They use huge splits because they don't have great personnel. Allows them to only have to 'wall-off' instead of block
b. QB depth was 6 and TB path crosses the face of the QB for 2 steps before either bouncing or banging
c. It was great to see a college offense using the same types of schemes as you. This was validation for some of the things we will put emphasis on next year. Which I thought was pretty cool.
4. Inside Zone and Outside Zone by Aaron Best (Offensive Coordinator/O-Line Coach at Eastern Washington University) at Glazier
a. In general O-Line coaches have to love technique more than most positions. They are going against guys that are better than them on every snap.
b. "Replace guys"- that will put you were they are at.
c. Think about this: We are the only position on the field with our backs to the ball.