Attended several clinics in the area. And I am working on a comprehensive installation video.As soon as the install is ready I will share it with everyone. So, sorry for the delay in posting. 5 different articles all partially complete. Bear with me.
Here are my notes regarding multiple subjects. Just know that when I attend these things, I am only looking for 'nuggets' that either inspire me or will allow me to teach or explain something better.
From the PEMCO All-Sports Clinic on February 24-27
Bruce Brown (Motivation/Leadership:)
1) Teaching/Motivating teams requires you to be a creative craftsman
2) Average does not inspire/ Ability gives you credibility
3) Really think about this: Would YOU want to play for YOU?
4) Staff Building: First rate people are confident enough to hire first rate people. Second rate people hire
third rate people.
5) Fearless Play....a direct reaction to how I react to FAILED plays.
6) If you have kids that are looking to check out (in big moments,) look in the mirror.
John Thompson, DC for Georgia State:
1) In any Cover 3: 10-30 principle....Player responsible for deep 30, the 10 is on me as the coach.
NIKE Coach of the Year Clinic on March 4-6
Pat Ruel, Zone Guru and asst Line coach for the Sehawks
1) Terms: Its a 'punch thru' or a 'run thru' block....not a hook or a reach
2) Practice: "I do you".. ie at practice dont wonder about practice practice what you do and do it
over and over again.
3) Zone concept: Run the board....similar to run 'your cylinder/foot path' but for me a much more consistent
term to deal with defensive player movement and alignment.
4) Pass Pro: Vertical; press on the inside move....When doing the pipes visualize player movement..get the
mental reps even if against air..